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Re: Mannlicher M95

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:11 pm
by dromia
Too high tech, I used a bit of black electricians tape with a wee hole punched, not poked the edges need to be sharp, in it taped to my shooting glasses.

The wee aperture sharpened up that fore sight admirably.

Re: Mannlicher M95

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:09 am
by Sandgroper
Subject: Mannlicher M95
snayperskaya wrote:
An elderly gentleman at my club uses an iris that clips on his glasses and allows him to shoot very well with iron sights, he says it vastly improves his sight picture and allows him to carry on shooting rifles he wouldn't be able to without it.
I don't think it'd be quite as simple as that...master eye is my left eye as well as being long sighted. At ranges below 100m it's relatively comfortable to shoot irons as long as I'm just just plinking but it also depends on the target size. At longer ranges the right eye washes out after about 3-4 shots and it's nigh on impossible to aim properly. I have tried aperture sights but they don't really work any better for me. In the end it's not really an issue as I've adjusted my shooting to my situation...the only iron sighted, RH rifle I have is my Destroyer Carbine and the rest I shoot LH with scopes. For longer distances (400m max and rarely that far) I use single shots to rest my eyes between exposures. I've been toying with the idea to sell the Destroyer but I can't bring myself to do it...yet.

Re: Mannlicher M95

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:49 am
by Ovenpaa
I had a cataract operation on my right eye a couple of years ago and since then 95% or more of my shooting is with open sights. As long as I can see the front blade or aperture I am OK and have just shot the 50m LSR season with a mix of BSA and Vickers rifles and all of them 90+ years old.