2010 F Class European finals

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2010 F Class European finals

#1 Post by Ovenpaa »

I know at least two forum members shot at the finals, can someone post a range report please?

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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#2 Post by Dangermouse »

Way back in 2008 I managed to win the Police long range F Class championships using a friend’s Sako TRG. This was my introduction to F Class shooting and gave me a passion for a sport that I really cannot afford to compete in.
Earlier this year I bought a new Remington 700 .308 with the 26” barrel. This was going to be my “do everything rifle” and I entered an F Class league shoot in the summer having hardly put any rounds through the barrel. I had met with John from HPS and we had come up with a 175 gn load which he loaded for me at the cost of just over a £1 a round!
That competition was at 1000. 1100 and 1200 yards and not surprisingly I did not do very well, but points were scored and I had fun. Speaking with John after the event, he suggested that I try 190 gn SMK HPBT’s with 550 Viht. With the earlier expense I took the step and bought some home loading gear and made up some test loads, settling for 45 grains of 550.

As fate would have it I managed to get to the week of the Europeans having only shot this load at short distances and had no settings for the competition. Thankfully a friend took the rifle out on the Wednesday and we got settings for 600 and 1000 yards. Using a ballistic program I managed to get some figures that gave estimates for 800 and 900 yards.
I was unable to get the Thursday off work and was unable to make the valuable practise day, so I turned up at the competition a little nervous as to if I was going to get on paper.

Friday, 17 degrees, wind left to right, gusting.
I picked up my competitors pack, this contained my squadding times and locations, our score cards, a Nightforce catalogue, a Nightforce sticker. A Norma catalogue, some sponsors flyer's and a cloth circular badge with the name of the event on it. This was all in a Black waterproof wallet which proved useful later on in keeping everything dry.
I have to say that the squadding times were really useful. Knowing that you are shooting at 1030 saves getting the wife and kids out of bed to drop me off at the range for 0800, only to stand around doing nothing. As a consequence this improved my quality of life and reduced the stress.
Although it was mentioned in the pre reads, I had missed the fact that there was to be a practise session that morning between 0830 and 1000 at 800 yards, this was also to act as a “blow off” or foul the barrel.
Having only 7 rounds spare of 190 gn, I fired a 175 down range and was pleased to see the target go down. With an adjustment for wind I fired again, adjusted and then fired a 190 gn. Again I was pleased to see the target go down and the shot was marked slightly low but the wind was good. I called it a day and made a note of my settings, which were close to the predicted settings.

The first distance to be shot in the competition was at 900 yards. I found that I was paired with Russell Simmons who is currently the world F/TR champion. As we started our string of shots it started to rain and got progressively heavy resulting in us not being able to see the V bull and spotting disc's. For at least 3 shots, I was unable to see where my shots had landed and I just kept shooting central, using the mill dots of my scope to centralise the target. I was somewhat concerned about getting water on my ammunition and in my breach, never mind trying to keep my plotting sheet and scoring sheets dry. Finally we finished and I was pleased that each shot had scored and that I had not had a blank target appear.

1000 yards PM
Again the wind was from the left but it was harder to read as the flags were wet and mostly hanging straight down. As we started there was a little bit of rain and I thought “here we go again” but thankfully it blew over and left us alone. Again my scope settings got me on paper and I was pleased to see the target go down and re appear with a spotting disk on. Again the V bulls and 5’s were elusive but I managed to bag a couple and mostly I was just pleased to be scoring. I had become aware that there were people around me who were having mechanical difficulties and some who were getting blank targets. I thought that if I could just keep slogging away I might actually do OK.

Saturday 10 degrees, wind again left to right.
800 and 900 yards was more of the same, slogging away, consistently getting 4’s but just not getting into that narrow 5 ring or the V.
At 1000 yards I found myself shooting with Vince Bottomley who although I knew from his many articles in the shooting press, I had never met. He proved to be a very pleasant chap who I will look out for at future shoots. Using the exact same settings as the previous day I had two consecutive blank targets. I was greatly saddened to have to withdraw and let Vince shoot his string. Vince was convinced that I was shooting short and once he had finished we shot a few more rounds but just could not get them on paper. And that was the end of my personal championships.
Looking at the final places, even if I had scored well on that last shoot I would still only have climbed 2 or 3 places, so I should not be too saddened.

Sunday 06 degrees, Wind right to left (unusual for Bisley)
This was the team competition. We had hatched a plan that if I could not get on paper after the two sighting shots I was to jump onto another of the squad’s rifles and proceed from there, and that is what happened. Unfortunately my rounds were falling around 2 MOA lower and it took a couple of shots to find the V but using a proper F Class rifle I started shooting a lot better and enjoyed seeing a few V’s and 5’s scored.
The team match was shot at 900 and 1000 yards, unfortunately for one of my team mates his scope started to jump around at 1000 yards and he lost several shots. This reflected on the team and we came in last, but much fun was had.
Despite low scores and not being able to get on target at 1000 yards on Saturday I had a really good time over the 3 days and I was sad to finish. I saw some really good shooters and started to put faces to names that I have read about.

That is pretty much the last time I will shoot the 26" barrel. I have a 32" Border Barrels 5R waiting to go on and hope to get it done before February.
As for the 190 grain SMK's - I would not recommend them with that combination and I will not be too quick to try them again in the future - but never say never.

Next year the competition will be held in Southern Ireland, in June. I have already suggested a holiday to the wife and wonder if she will notice the hard rifle case as we pack the car?
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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#3 Post by Robin128 »

What a fabulous first post and welcome to the new forum, Dangermouse.


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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#4 Post by Ovenpaa »

Good report DM, are you going to shoot the finals next year?

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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#5 Post by Dangermouse »

Not sure if the UK F Class league will be having it's finals at Bisley yet. By that time the DM family will have 2 cars and I should be able to travel to whichever range it is held at, so we will see.

Without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of civilisation, of the massacre of mankind.
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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#6 Post by 20series »

Excellent write up DM, hopefully we'll meet in person at one of the F-TR shoots next year.

I too am currently shooting a 26" PSS 1/12. I have found that 175 gn SMK's go quite well with 46 gns of Varget, however I'm looking at a rebarrel probably a 32" 1/11, just sorting out the finances.

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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#7 Post by MikMak »

yes the range is already booked, for an expected nearly 200 turnout! Dates are 4-6 Nov with practice day on 3 Nov, This is a truly European event and a lot of fun 8-)
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Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#8 Post by The Gun Pimp »

There is a 14 page write-up of the F Class Europeans in December's Target Shooter - www.targetshooter.co.uk plus loads of pics on one of the Photobucket websites -(address in the article).

A full set of results can be seen on the GBFCA website at

There is also an F CLass column every month in Target Shooter by one of the GBFCA members (with details of the Training Weekend this month).


Re: 2010 F Class European finals

#9 Post by MikMak »

I will also post the entry forms etc on this forum as we get along with stuff ready for next years Europeans.

Its the highlight of my shooting year and so many likeminded people in one place haveing fun, it almost feels as if it should be illegal :D
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