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What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:45 pm
by Ovenpaa
We were out with the dogs in the rain and I suddenly realised the Deerhunter trousers I was wearing are as close to perfect as I could hope for, waterproof, warm, wind proof and breathable and all for not a lot of money from a stand at the Phoenix a couple of years ago.

I also have an old Army sleeping mat, the sort which is individual panels in a green material that folds up with a bit of tape to hold it closed. It makes a brilliant and compact shooting mat and I just wish I could find another one for when it is eventually worn out.

So what is your favourite shooting accessory? Rifles and 'scopes don't count.

Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:02 pm
by Robin128
Now I'm hitting more clays than I'm missing...

My Toggi hat...mate got a bloody nose from clay fragments.


Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:09 pm
by Scotsgun dogs. They'll find, hunt and retrieve just about any game i choose to shoot - from snipe, geese and up through deer. They don't even hold it against me when i miss the shot ;)


Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:31 pm
by Robin128
Oh Marc, your babe is growing up....get here a 4 10!



Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:08 pm
by Andrew the farmer
Marc fine looking dogs, just looks like her sister.

Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:41 pm
by bobbob
Bnz, looks after me and our gear.

Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:41 pm
by Christel
Got to be my Sordins. They are worth every penny I paid for them.

Nothing beats being able to listen in on conversations at the other end of the shooting line....LOL

Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:47 pm
by Mike357
Tru Spec Combat Trousers.

I hate wearing jeans to the range as they aren't comfortable. I have an old pair of Tru Specs in US 3 colour desert camo and a newer pair in Beige and they are well made, very comfy, quite warm, a little shower resistant and have good sized pockets. Also really great just slobbing on the sofa!

Got mine from USMC Pro who provide brilliant and fast service.

Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:17 pm
by Ovenpaa
I managed to get my hands on a pair of Crye trousers in Desert Marpat (Apparently!) Anyway they are very comfortable hard wearing and dry quickly if they get wet, great on the range 9 months of the UK year or watching TV. I am however quite selective about where I wear them.

Re: What is your favourite shooting accessory?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:50 pm
by HeatherW762
I'm afraid that you will all laugh but - hey - I can get used to that.

My favourite accessory is my hubby, Chris.

Why? I have a medical condition that can make it quite difficult to carry anything even a bit heavy and, bless him, he is quite happy spending a day following me around & carrying everything I can't. Even up to setting up the firing point for me. I consider myself very lucky :D
