Bradley Arms 'Dissipator' Retro AR (.223 Straight Pull)

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Bradley Arms 'Dissipator' Retro AR (.223 Straight Pull)

#1 Post by GlockworkOrange »

Evening all,

Up for grabs is my Bradley Arms Retro AR Straight-Pull in .223. This rifle was built to my specifications in December 2022, and features a carbine length barrel (just under 16") and A2 upper combined with a full-length M16 handguard; a pattern commonly referred to as a Dissipator.
Due to a lack of shooting in general on my behalf, and because the rifle was in storage for many months during my renewal process, it has seen less than 200 rounds since new and is in fantastic condition. The only evidence the rifle has been used are the case marks on the brass deflector. Really excellent quality rifle, and very accurate with its surprisingly heavy target barrel (.750" I believe)
Since purchasing the rifle I have added a large Wilson Combat charging handle latch to make cycling easier, and swapped the trigger for the excellent Geissele G2S 2-stage unit. Included alongside the rifle is:

- Brownells fixed A1 stock with rifle buffer assembly
- Reproduction M16A1 sling
- 2x Brownells 20 Round Mags (1x new unused)
- 2x Lancer translucent mags (1x 10rd 1x 20rd)
- 1x USGI 30 round mag
I'm looking for £2200, preferably buyer will collect (Bournemouth). Empty .223 Rifle slot required. Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further information. Cheers :)
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Re: Bradley Arms 'Dissipator' Retro AR (.223 Straight Pull)

#2 Post by GlockworkOrange »

BUMP, can knock £100 of the price (and offer 100 rounds of factory ammo on collection) ;)
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Re: Bradley Arms 'Dissipator' Retro AR (.223 Straight Pull)

#3 Post by dirtbag »

Gotta love the straight pull retros, here is its older brother.

Good luck with the sale mate
Here is a free bump
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