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Home Built TR Stock

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:27 pm
by kevinww
Not been on here for a while due to personal circumstances and a distinct lack of time, however these have now been resolved and I've needed
a distraction to take my mind off things. Some of you may remember the sights and bedding block that I made to allow me to drop my 308 Win Barnard P
into to my G&E Hybrid 3000 stock, which over the year Ive been using it has performed perfectly. This eventually became a pain as I would find
myself shooting Smallbore and fullbore on the same weekend and sequential weekends meaning some weeks i was swapping actions up to 4 times.
So with my new found time and the need for a distraction I decided to design and build my own hybrid aluminum wood chassis.

The core of it is the aluminum chassis shown below

The aluminum chassis slides into the wooden part of the stock which only serves to act as a mounting point for the hand stop sling attachment, bi pod and
trigger guard. The action is then bolted into the front of the aluminum chassis and never touches the wooden section. so its basically a very long
barrelled pistol with a butt plate and a wooden hand support.

Here is the first full assembly, there are a couple of minor cosmetic bits to finish off but I think it came out quite well, considering the only bits
that I didn't make were the barrel, action and irises in the front and rear sight.
Weight wise it comes in at an all up weight of 6.25Kg and the balance point is almost exactly on the palm of the my forward hand.

Re: Home Built TR Stock

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 3:11 pm
by 1066
What a splendid job - something to be proud of there.

Re: Home Built TR Stock

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:40 pm
by Pete
VERY nice work :good: .....the centre point of the butt hook looks to be dead in line with the bore, which theoretically is exactly where it should be, (but seldom actually is......)


Re: Home Built TR Stock

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:28 am
by North Star
Looks like my Trueflight stock!

Re: Home Built TR Stock

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:19 pm
by kevinww
Finally got to shoot it today, its extremely comfortable to shoot. Had a couple of minor issues come up which was expected as it was first time out and related to not
having finished it completely until after i'd shot it, in case i needed to separate the woodwork from the chassis to adapt anything.