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Webley Mark Vi

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:37 pm
by PeterN
Reading the thread below regarding the confiscation of our legally owned property brought back some unhappy memories. I lost an Enfield .38 service revolver, a Webley .32 3 inch pocket revolver, a .32 ACP Webley pocket pistol and a .22 and a .38 6 inch Webley target revolvers. I did manage to keep my Webley Mark VI as it was made in 1918 and as I had several military rifles was regarded as suitable to be held as part of a collection under section 7/1. I used to enjoy shooting it but now have to make do with taking out of the cabinet now and again and wiping it with an oily rag and remember old times.
Webley MkVIright.JPG
Webley MkVI left.JPG
Webley MkVI marking.JPG