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Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 5:34 pm
by kennyc
our club had a contest today, or rather we didn't! when our Rifle Capt turned up at the range office he was told they had cancelled our target, and there was even a doubt that there would be a target we could get on! we book Short Siberia in November for the following year as that is the only way to "garauntee" getting our monthly shoot, so how can we be bumped off at the last minute? the comp I can understand, if conditions don't allow it, but to have no spaces because they are busy? how does that work? as it is we had a zeroing session, but we try and raise interest in getting people shooting (and it worked) only to be sabotaged at the last moment! it just makes it that much harder to get new blood, and we are a club that shoots all year regardless of weather, so we need to work to keep numbers up!

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:24 pm
by dodgyrog
I was on Century target 99 - thankfully not cancelled. Sorry to hear of the screw up. It might be worthwhile to talk to Chris in the Range Office.

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:01 pm
by meles meles
Sounds iffy to us ! Do you want the number of a good legal weasel ? Surely if you contract to shoot on a range they can't just chuck you off at the last minute...

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:05 am
by Ovenpaa
Did they give a reason for bumping you or why your club had not been contacted.

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:51 am
by kennyc
ovenpaa wrote:Did they give a reason for bumping you or why your club had not been contacted.
Dannywayoflife is the man to answer that question, but as far as I am aware there was no reason other than they were busy? We book months ahead and have to pay if we cancel to close to the date so why they would just cancel us I have no idea

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 8:34 am
by Gaz
We had a 500yds target all afternoon, although there weren't any markers available which screwed up our programme a bit.

I also managed to get the club a provisional two-lane booking for a fortnight from now and another target in a month's time. Have you asked the range office what happened for you to be cancelled like that.

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:00 am
by karen
Check the clubs online booking record just in case the booking wasn't accepted in the first place as it is easy to miss a "declined" booking email as they look the same as the "confirmed" ones. If declined it should have a note written in by the Range Office on the online system.

The Range Office do not usually cancel anything without contacting the club sec (usually by phone in my experience)



Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 9:29 am
by Blu
but to have no spaces because they are busy?
Kenny, car show mate. They were probably all busy over there. :run:

Blu :twisted:

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 5:13 pm
by kennyc
Blu wrote:
but to have no spaces because they are busy?
Kenny, car show mate. They were probably all busy over there. :run:

Blu :twisted:
there were some nice hotrods there its true :D

Re: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Bisley Bookings

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 5:18 pm
by kennyc
karen wrote:Check the clubs online booking record just in case the booking wasn't accepted in the first place as it is easy to miss a "declined" booking email as they look the same as the "confirmed" ones. If declined it should have a note written in by the Range Office on the online system.

The Range Office do not usually cancel anything without contacting the club sec (usually by phone in my experience)


Karen, I'm waiting for Danny to see this thread and answer, however, we have had bookings declined and had the email so I suspect the problem is not at our end, no more than the times that we have been refused a booking until we pay our outstanding bills (we pay before shooting so don't ever run up a bill!) and you can ask Maggot about the joys of Century 108 tongueout