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Help-Military Silva Expodition 54 compass romer scales

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:05 pm
by Dangermouse

Caught your attention?

I was teaching the compass tonight, talked about 6 digit grid references. I then pointed out that the model 54 compass, that we use, has Romer scales in the top right section and if these are placed against a grid box on the map, they help get that 6 digit reference more accurate etc.
I then had a complete memory loss.
Why on this and some other military compasses are the numbers 10-1 instead of 1-10.?(look at the link and you will see).
It is one of those Q's that you either know the answer to or not. I have Googled it with no success.


Re: Help-Military Silva Expodition 54 compass romer scales

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:09 pm
by IainWR
Because, if you put the top right corner of the compass grid on the point of interest, the result of having the scale that way round is that you can read off the relevant number against the diagonally opposite grid corner on the map.

Conversely, if you slide the compass grid so that the relevant numbers are on the lower / left lines on the map, then the zero point on the compass grid is the location you are aiming for.

Re: Help-Military Silva Expodition 54 compass romer scales

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:22 pm
by Dangermouse
Iain, thats it, as soon as I started reading it came back to me.

Full points, head of the class.

I now know something no one else on the staff knows, including the CO - power is knowledge.
Manic laughter dissapearing into the night.
