Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

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Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#11 Post by saddler »

k31 wrote:I am lost here. Why can't a member with 41 posts, post on or even access the for sale and wanted lists. You mentioned he had to have 15 posts to his name.
I am probably being stupid or something but I don't see it. The only reason why seems, he hasn't posted replies up to 15 posts on that page. Am I right?

What is the secret with the For sale and wanted lists.
Post count next to a profile shows the CURRENT/present total...
Look at the date of the posts, his join date & todays the time of his asking on this thread, he'd only just joined & was below the 15 post requirement
Dave 101

Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#12 Post by Dave 101 »

ulaughing , No you cant look at it because you will go blind . ;)
Only joking .

The reason as a newbie you cant look at it is to prevent people joining the forum just to flog stuff without becoming part of the community . Once you are here for a while you can flog as much as you want , its like Petticoat Lane in here some days . :lol:


Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#13 Post by sean »

I enquired about buying something, on the buy/sale/wanted,and because I haven't got the required 15 posts,the post was deleted. So by that criterion, it will be another 14 years before I can view B/S/W, I enjoy reading the forum, If I have something to say I will post it, but up to now I have had nothing to say, I look up posts for things relevant to what I'm looking for, but saying thanks to the O/P, isnt classed as being a relevant post so the post count wont go up. just my tuppence worth. Does this count as a relevant post.
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Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#14 Post by Christel »

sean wrote:I enquired about buying something, on the buy/sale/wanted,and because I haven't got the required 15 posts,the post was deleted. So by that criterion, it will be another 14 years before I can view B/S/W, I enjoy reading the forum, If I have something to say I will post it, but up to now I have had nothing to say, I look up posts for things relevant to what I'm looking for, but saying thanks to the O/P, isnt classed as being a relevant post so the post count wont go up. just my tuppence worth. Does this count as a relevant post.
Yes, it is a relevant post as you are addressing a subject in a constructive manner.

However, as you also point out, just posting a "yes or no" is not deemed part of the 15 contributing posts. way around you do not have to wait another 14 years to post in the for sale/wanted section is to engage in the forum...ask a question...comment on a range day post etc... teanews

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Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#15 Post by DavidRees »


I understand your frustration -- I felt the same when I joined a while back. However, it's worth persevering with this forum, since as yuo have discovered, there is a lot of really useful info here.

To get your post count up to the magic 15, why not start by putting a post into the New Members section? Include info about where you shoot, what you shoot with, and so on. You will quickly get replies, to which you in turn can post substantive replies.

Another suggestion, echoing christel, is to ask a question in the appropriate forum. Reloading, perhaps? Or accessories for a gun you own, or might wish to buy? Enquire about other clubs in your area--always worth knowing the alternatives, even if you are happy where you are. All these things add to the wealth of the forum, if only a little bit, so count as useful posts.

You'll get there--don't give up on us!

Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#16 Post by sean »

Thank you, Christel and David,For giving me some helpful pointers,I thought I had posted an intro,but will go back and check.
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Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#17 Post by dromia »

The relevance of saying thanks to a post depends on how it is used if it looks as though it is being abused to increase post count then posts will be removed.

It is not only obeying the letter but also the spirit of the rules.

You have been a member here for 18 months during which time you say you have been lurking so despite that board time your first post is in contravention of the forum rules, not only that but you have to do a work around to get into the for sale section when logged on which should tell you something, your next post is to bemoan the rules here.

We are a shooting community where we like to discuss gun ownership and shooting. We expect members to contribute and not just take from the forum as that is the only way we thrive. The newly registered status gives us a chance to see new members and get a feel for them and they for us. Benefits of membership like access to the for sale section comes from becoming a participating member not for being a negative contributor leech.

People are more than welcome to read the posts here and absorb all they want but if they want to be part of our community then they need to play by our rules, if that doesn't suit then maybe there are other forums better fitted to their needs.

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Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#18 Post by Christel »

Sean is here and posting...others have left after throwing their teddy in the corner for no reason other than not liking some of the posts/users on here...despite the wealth of knowledge and help there are on this board. Similar to people not using the local pub because they do not like the one customer in the corner... 8-)

Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#19 Post by sean »

Dromia, thankyou for your kind message calling me a ' negative contributor leech' at least you have in your own peculiar way, got me off my negative contributor leech a**e,and contributing now cheers. That's me upto No 4 now shakeshout

Re: Replying to For Sale or Wanted Post

#20 Post by Laverda981 »

Just had all my posts deleted because they were, without realising at the time, in a 'wanted' thread. This thread came up in a search on a rifle I needed some information on. I was engaged in an interesting & informative discussion with two experienced forum members. I wasn't trying to buy or sell anything. Couldn't mods look at the context of the posts before they arbitrarily delete them?...
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