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Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:15 pm
by Ovenpaa
A couple of us were invited to shoot at our old club today, not being one to miss an opportunity we headed off in torrential rain to Barton Road early this morning in rain, to be greeted by more rain and 2C with the Butts just visible at 600m.


After setting up some frames (we opted for 200 yard targets on small frames as large frames are a PITA to move around) I managed to blag sentry duty but then realised my flask was still in the car so I got cold and wet listening to bangs in the distance. As this was theoretically a 'drops' day they had opted to start at 100 which I skipped but came out of the sentry hut for 5 rounds at 300m, yup that worked, quickly followed by another 5 rounds at 600m (Hit the black bit which is always nice) Then I was oer on ff to the Butts.

Butt duty can be grim on a cold wet day but I need not have worried as some serious target conservation was taking place. Now I have to say I was a tad confused by this as I knew the shooter and he can usually hit things, eventually someone else took over and got on the frame so I managed to get some exercise to keep warm. The two frames to the left of me were receiving only light traffic so I put it down to abysmal weather conditions.

Come swap over I realised why the problems, they had moved to 1008 metres which suited me as I had my F-B(UK) Hoodie on to keep me warm with "Under a kilometre doesn’t count" on the back. At least the frames were visible which was handy and despite the rain, and a constant cold wind I was looking forward to getting down to some 'proper' shooting.

Given the temperature I wound in 10.2 Mil and took a shot (always good when the frame goes down) added one more klick and that was me dialled in for the next 30 shots in some very trying conditions, often I could not see the marker and had to depend on radio or a spotter to the left of me, feedback from the Butts at the end of the session was good though so a worthwhile day.

BTW - My new cheek piece has made a significant difference in my shooting and was well worth those couple of hours in the shed the other day :D

Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:31 pm
by bnz41
Well done, not a day to be outside never mind squeezing a trigger... when are the hoodies for sale?

Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:26 pm
by Mike357
Can we see the finished Hoodie? One of you should model it for us.

Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:06 pm
by Ovenpaa
Mine is rather wet right now but I am sure we can get something posted up in a bit ;)

Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:43 pm
by jjvc
Good report OP, pleased you got to shoot. Our trip to Catterick was a waste of time, due to snow and poor visibility our shoot was cancelled. :(


Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:45 pm
by Ovenpaa
I spoke to my Mum this morning in Chesterfield and they had an inch of snow, I was hoping we had seen the last of if for a while

Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:52 pm
by TobyH
BTW - My new cheek piece has made a significant difference in my shooting and was well worth those couple of hours in the shed the other day
Does your cheek piece get soggy in the rain?

Re: Under a kilometre doesn’t count

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:02 pm
by Ovenpaa
Technically all of me got soggy that day and again at Bisley yesterday but being closed foam it gets wet but not soggy.