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Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:32 pm
by meles meles
* Holds snout, scrapes sole of shoe *

We do wish people wouldn't let their poodles foul the environment.

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:42 am
by shugie
snayperskaya wrote:Tovarisch Badger ussrflag
The hovering attack badger of doom, he and his family live at the far end of our garden. He's remarkably rude, when I wish him "good evening" he merely grunts.

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:56 am
by shugie
mag41uk wrote:I so want to see D.Abbot speaking at the daily briefing!
Isnt Starmer just an alternative Corbyn?
It would be interesting to see an Abbott vs. Patel exchange, or Abbott vs. D'ohrries. As soon as any of them open their mouths, it's like a hoover for intelligence.

Starmer is a long way from being Corbyn. Corbyn adopted his ideological position in, I would guess, his student days, and really hasn't strayed much from that since, hence his appeal for student aged people. Corbyn is not a thinker, he fits everything he encounters into his ideological views, it either fits or it's to be opposed, he's not really very much of a pragmatist, he prefers not to compromise. Starmer was QC of the year a few years ago, has extensive Court experience and is altogether a much more formidable opponent than Corbyn. I rather doubt that anyone on the Tory front benches sees Starmer as just an alternative Corbyn.

Unusually, there don't seem to be many barristers in cabinet, perhaps Boris doesn't care for people smarter than he is, although he is so lazy about detail, he is not going to fare well against Starmer at PMQs. A good barrister like Starmer rarely asks a question to which he does not already know the answer, as Raab (a solicitor I believe) found out. Boris will bluff and bluster, but I have my doubts how well that will work for him, Starmer is accustomed to dealing with far more capable opponents. I am very much looking forwards to the first Boris vs. Starmer clash.

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:37 am
by meles meles
Wouldn't it be nice though if PMQ could go something like...

PM: "We have done X and Y to achieve A"
LOHMLO: "If you also did Z, you could achieve B too"
PM: "I thank the Right Honorable Gentleman for that suggestion and will have the minions look into it immediately"

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:11 pm
by RDC
meles meles wrote:Wouldn't it be nice though if PMQ could go something like...

PM: "We have done X and Y to achieve A"
LOHMLO: "If you also did Z, you could achieve B too"
PM: "I thank the Right Honorable Gentleman for that suggestion and will have the minions look into it immediately"

It would be brilliant. However that is what politics is about. Why actually try to make the country a better place when you can devote your entire efforts to slagging off the serving government?

The shadow mental health Secretary was gobbing off on the BBC at the weekend about how ineffective the government is about coronavirus response and PPE. How they were doing all the wrong things (despite there being a global extraordinary demand), etc. When she was asked what Labour would do, she said it was nothing to do with Labour and it wasn't a question about what Labour would do. She didn't want it to be political!

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:58 pm
by Ovenpaa
latest I read is people suggesting Blair steps in and assist the government. Right, well he contributed to the death of many more than we have seen with C-19 and sent our troops into war lacking some very basic equipment so I guess he is supremely qualified.

What a c***.

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:06 pm
by Christel
Yesterday's PMQ

I liked Hancock's reply to one of the Labour lesser brainy MPs when asked where on earth all this was heading and why on earth it wasn't resolved yet.

It was something along the lines of..."I think you are missing the point"...."How can I help, would be a better question".

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:23 pm
by Chuck
Just found a source for visors over here, all well and opporchancity....or is it?

Speaking to some friends in NHS and Care: Seems there is - or is not - a shortage depending on who you speak with...BUT, any shortage is apparently of the UK's NHS own making.

Seems the UK (as well as Spain and italy)is getting more supplies from Turkey but there's a shortage as the UK is sending masks etc to the EU?????????

Errmmmmm what exactly IS happening over there folks??? Headless chickens seem to have more direction.....

From over here it looks like one monumental collection of incompetent fools pandindering to the latest headlins from gutter rags and making pie in the sky claims about the volumes of testing (100,000) which have now been abandoned. Meanwhile it's not in your interests to know what's going on..

One thing for sure, this will NOT end well for the general population - what else is being HIDDEN from everyone in all of this....

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:09 am
by TRG-22
Geek wrote:What's wrong with being a Tory (better than the Communist Corbyn party [may now have a new leader but still the same])? Why anyone who owns more than the clothes they are stood in would vote for Labour is beyond me.
Given that comment, I'd not be surprised if I were to learn that a great many things are beyond you.

Re: Daily Mail should be on manslaughter charges!....

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:14 am
by TRG-22
Ovenpaa wrote:latest I read is people suggesting xxxxx Bliar steps in..
Fixed it for you.