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Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:06 pm
by Pete
When you pay a deposit on anything else, you certainly don't have a legal claim to it.
The terms and conditions are down to the deposit taker...............are you sure you're reading this correctly?

I just spoke to a local gunshop, and the boss says it's still perfectly legal to pay a deposit on a gun prior to a variation being granted


Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:16 pm
by dromia
At the end of the day with any differing interpretations of the law the courts will decide.

All that is happening here is that we are reporting what we have been told by GTA, BASC and some firearms certification departments.

Any disagreement on their interpretation of the GTA interpretation should be taken up with your local firearms certification department .

As a dealer I never take deposits for firearms, that is my choice as to how I run my business.

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:45 pm
by bofor
ok.. how does this stand in the eyes of the FAC or any other law.

Buyer(a) wants gun but has no slot and needs to get variation.
Seller (b)wants to buy a different gun from another dealer(1).
Buyer(a) sends money/deposit to dealer(1) on behalf of Seller(b) for the gun
Seller(b) passes gun to Buyer(a)`s RFD until variation is complete.

As the Seller has not actually received any money from Buyer he has not in effect sold him a gun, all he has done is "sold ?" the gun to an RFD.

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:52 pm
by dromia
As I said earlier if there is an issue of definition then ultimately the courts are the final arbitrators.

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:22 pm
by Mattnall
And if in doubt don't pay a deposit on a rifle, just pay the dealer a refundable amount not to sell it to someone else.

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:03 pm
by Pete
Well Dromia, you did say "Abandon hope all ye who enter here......."


Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:20 pm
by MistAgain
This was discussed with my local Firearms Registry .

They were not happy when one of the people present pointed out to them how a crim or jihadi could either get access to a FAC that they could alter or that a crim or jihadi would be able to see a persons FAC and then know what sort of firearms they owned .

Firearms staffers said they would pass this concern on to the Home Office .

My guess is that the GTA or BASC has been prodded into this action by dealers who feel they are missing out on sales .

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:03 am
by Sim G
MistAgain wrote:They were not happy when one of the people present pointed out to them how a crim or jihadi could either get access to a FAC that they could alter or that a crim or jihadi would be able to see a persons FAC and then know what sort of firearms they owned .

As I said, it's happened before....

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:41 am
by safetyfirst
Hi all. Is there any more news on this? I'd like to buy something from gun trader, seller is in deepest Cornwall.

I don't have a free slot and he's happy to wait for variation.

I understand I cannot send him a deposit. Which is daft.

I'm also hesitant to send him a shopping list and my address.

Has there been any movement on this insane new procedure at all?

Re: Distance Sales Sticky

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:46 am
by dromia
My firearms licensing department is clear that it must be complied with, the GTA and BASC haven't changed their position on it either.