This is way beyond 'useful' - Thank you very muchrox wrote: Hope this is useful.

There is something else I must do this afternoon - so will come back to this with more time to give this brilliant feedback justice.
I have always though of my shots as creeping up - but havn't thought about it before in terms of the group dropping - it's starting to make sense now. Normally shot 9 wouldn't have bothered me, as it's a 5, and on the card looks to be in the group...but the plot shows that it is actually not in the group...which could be down to the various possibilities that you've suggested.
I have a few more TR shoots in the next month or so, so will continue to develop my plotting skills - I think for the next few shoots the plotting will be done after the shoot - my next one is at 900/1000, so it will be interesting to see where I have to start the windage plot for it to fit.
This advice is also well timed, as I am getting a new TR rifle in the next few weeks - I will set the elevation zero with the advice you have given in mind, so as not to give negative values. It will take a few shoots to get used to the new gun, and set the zero properly - and then I should be able to get more value from the plotting...especially next season.
At the moment a don't like the trigger on my current rifle, so it's difficult to call which shots were 'bad' - I'm hoping this will no longer be a problem with the new rifle (Swing Mk4) - The plotting is going to help me see how the new rifle behaves much quicker than it would have taken before...
After all the detail you've given on the elevation plot, I feel cheeky asking, but - What did you make of the wind plot? Does it show any mistakes or bad I said, it just looks like random dots, and I'm having trouble gaining answeres from it....?