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Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:34 pm
by Chuck
Dangermouse, quick reply mate, sorry if I ruffled your feathers. You know that would never be my intention so sorry if any offence caused to you or any of our other forum cops personally

Typos due to small keyboard and crap eyesight. As I said, not getting at our resident cops, I never would - it's just a different point of view, that's the point isn't it ;)

The initial thread suggested that these students should - in some way - be harmed for is precisiely the LACK of this type of protesting over the years that has allowed this country to sink to level it has....I am not advocating wanton violence, god knows that IS sure to happen in due course BUT, the last junta showed that it did not respect public opinion in any way, maybe we SHOULD be sending a message......before this current lot get the idea that they too can do what they like with impunity??.

BTW: the video footage shown abroad seems to differ from what was shown here....

I know that Searchlight and their thugs show up everywhwere, that's to be expected. Attcking Charles and Camilla, that's not good, it's not their doing is it?!

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:54 pm
by Ovenpaa
Chuck wrote:BTW: the video footage shown abroad seems to differ from what was shown here....
For many years I naively assumed what were told was what happened, certainly where the BBC was concerned. Then the Internet happened. Access to the news became even easier and I could even have a little application on my desktop that relayed the latest BBC newsworthy items, great as I did not have to look any more. Then one day I woke and thought 'What if the BBC was being selective in what it told me?' Nah, they would never do that would they? Just like Google would never do that.

Then an odd thing happened, I was looking up shell fishing in Danish Fjord and Google told me the content I requested was not available in my country (Or words to that effect. I am lucky in that I can google from Norway as well via a secure connection, in a way that Google cannot tell I am in the UK and up popped the article on the shell fishing. No dramas it was just an article which was a tad confusing.

These days if I read something in the UK news and want know more, or see a different side to it I trundle off to Norway or another country for the news and get to see it in a very different light. Norway are not in the EU so they have less reason to hide things. Often I just see subtle reporting changes in the news item, other times I have read articles that are not available here. They have never struck me as items of national security either. Just some one somewhere deciding what is best for us.

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:22 pm
by Chuck
Whatever your viewpoint, just remeber that one dat YOU might want to demonstrate..................without getting watercannoned, beaten etc etcf.

Ovenpaa, amzing how our news is massaged, filtered and sanitised these days eh.

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:29 pm
by Mal Reynolds
Whilst I feel sympathy for the students plight, I have none for their cause...

### waits for Chuck to finish shouting ###

The cuts are a fact, they are accross the board, my own organiseation is getting a kicking and we are being asked to do far more with naff all.

The fees are there to pay for the joke courses and the "edutainment" stuff, I do feel that a couple of facts need to be spread

1, Real degrees (any science,engineering maths etc) are still free, Their ulumni can produce stuff and create wealth for this country (engineers put a man on the ...wait I will think of something)
2, The figure of £9000 is the CAP per year, it allows unis to charge UP TO this, it is not a mandatory charge, they can charge less.
3, The real poor students, who have really no way to pay get a full grant, and no one starts repaying anything until they are earning enough for it not to hurt (got loads of grads at work, they whinge but it dosnt really hurt them at all)
4, Violence breads violence, answer this question before you scream police would you police it? look at Millbank, that is minimum plice presance, it was a farce.
5, The radical left has smelt blood and wants revolution in the UK, just look at that bloated fat cat Bob Crow, calling for civil disobedience and mass walkouts, the man is a devoute communist and sworn to bring this country to revolutionary communist ideals (he makes £89,000 a year before bonuses and perks).

I am not right wing, far from it, but it makes me sick when I see lies spread over dogma and then passed of as truth.
These "students" are backed by thugs from "black bloc" and other anarchist groups, if as the students claim, the trouble makers are in the minority then I call on them to police the event, contain and exclude the troublemakers.

as to Gilmore, he takeing History and yet has no knowledge of the cenotaph, I feel he is going to struggle (unfortunetly not in the showers at the scrubbs)

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:03 am
by Chuck
Mal: See Searchlight and other groups for who the usual troublemakers are..............Labour and the Tories used them quite successfully to stir up anti BNP feelings and instigate trouble at their meetings, cue police. Same with English Defence league.

No reason why same group not being used to discredit students and any other group who dare to voice or in future.

As for that t*@t and the cenotaph.......................what more can you say about that moron ?

PS Not shouting :lol: :lol:

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:20 am
by Robin128
I'll say it again...give them a bloody good soaking if they start taring the place apart.

I agree everyone should get the opportunity to gain a worth while qual...I'm not talking media studies but something that will increase GDP.

If bright kids can't afford such an education then they should get some level of subsidy. The silver spooners can pay full whack.


Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:38 am
by Chuck
Rob etc, ALL education should be FREE.................this system allows less gifted but more wealthy students to take places better suited to those at the lower end of the financial spectrum...

Take a step back here, yes there are commie instigators amiongst the demonstrators but lets look at WHY they are out there in the first place eh.(the students that is, the instigators are there by design, all our top politicians are commie sympathisers remember, look at Clown - a Stalinist for gods sake).

Wanton vandalism is not on but then again the government does NOT want to listen (look at the last lot) to any voices other than its own so can you blame them, this is country is not a democracy remember.We are a parliamentary demiocracy, slightly different.

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:13 am
by Robin128
Fredom to demonstrate peacefully yes.

And you know I agree with free wealth-creating education for those that really can't afford to pay.

Employers should remember that there is a tremendous return on educating day release for training as an accountant, for example. It matters not if they leave half way thru, big picture is what goes around, comes around.
