Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

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Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#11 Post by GordonR »

I agree Phil - a bit of dye to identify these louts. If they are told to disperse and refuse, they only have themselves to blame when they get a criminal record.
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Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#12 Post by Ovenpaa »

Just don’t use purple or they would shave their heads and blame it on head lice, or am I showing my age? :D

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Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#13 Post by Chuck »

Oh yes, great just what we need to sort the little upstarts out.................

Just a pity theirm PARENTS have no the balls thweir kids have, or they would have been out protesting against 12 years of fascist rule by that6 shower of rabid scum in the Liebour party. These stuidents are showing their natural anger at what has happened after 12 years of those Nazi bastrds in labour screwing the country into the ground. WTF do we want to harm them. Police are being told 2be more robust" ie VIOLent AND aggressive. Batons to the heads, is that not against the rules.....

Maybe THEY should coral and kettle the CVIOOPS for a change, they have the numbers....

OK so one was a retard and claimed not to know what the cenotaph as about, that's just bolloks.

In truth these kids showed they had the balls to show the establishment that enough IS enough. Education should be FREE at every level. Maybe if their parents had had the balls to get of their arses and do the same during the time of the Liebour Junta this country would not be the fcked up, corrupt, immoral, bankrupt police state ruled by fcking incomers that it has become!

if the cops up the ante by being "more robust" to all and sundry then hell mend them when they start getting hurt big style. When we see cops apparently bundling some poor sod out of his WHEELCHAIR it's time to kick ass big style till they get the message that WE are not to be screwed with !
Political Correctness is the language of lies, written by the corrupt , spoken by the inept!

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#14 Post by Robin128 »

Drench the sods...coldest water.


Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#15 Post by Angelfire »

Assuming we all agree that peacefull protest must be allowed in a free Country like ours, I still think the Dye jobby is the way to go. Give the "rioters" fair warning over a tannoy system, then give them a burst of dye if they fail to disperse, any one dyed can then be brought to book, without the need for a Police Truncheon round the back of the nut.

I also read that Police shoulder numbers were not visible again, why not. I was of the opinion these have to be worn, and visible to the public. Looks like both sides were not sticking to the rules.


Phil* :twisted:

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#16 Post by Robin128 »

I hope those glib little student leaders are being watched...peaceful protest my eye!



Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#17 Post by Dangermouse »

Re shoulder numbers

It is possible that the Officers without shoulder numbers were Kent lads and girls. I was speaking to some yesterday on Whitehall, who only wear a Silver badge over breast pocket with their crest and number on.
One Girl had had hers stolen the day before, and had to write her number on her jacket so that she could be identified.

That aside, every Officer wearing a helmet has their own number and unit/serial number clearly marked in day glow yellow.

After the press circus last year there is no serial in England that would allow their Officers to purposely start the day without their numbers, and to be honest, I never knew it to happen before but can not say that it never happened on an individual bases.

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Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#18 Post by Mike357 »

LRADS, that would sort them out! Put one wherever you didn't want them to go and hey presto.
It's not the pace of life that concerns me, it's the sudden stop at the end!

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#19 Post by Dangermouse »

Your post has of course wound me up the wrong way and was clearly written in a hurry, so much so that I wondered if someone else has logged in under your name.

The "Students" that were violent were the same anti establishment bunch that turn up for a fight whenever there is the opportunity, Should that be G20, Heathrow or anti animal testing. They were as vocal with the last Government as they are now being with this one and know their trade well.

I have stolen an extract from another Blog which will save me some writing, but here is some points that did not get in the news.

Please bear in mind that the so-called Kettle didn’t go on until 15.30 hrs. My immediate thought was that Hardy (press conference with students union) forgets to mention Millbank. The one ‘witness and victim’ of police brutality sitting on his left spoke earlier of being beaten around the head with a baton, yet he has no visible injuries at all. I thought I would post this so officers can gain an understanding of the views of those who are organising the student protests.
Officers in the front line in Parliament Square have told this Blog about plastic bottles of p*** being thrown into their faces 3 hours before any containment went on. One Inspector has told me that the verbal abuse and disrespect was far worse than anything experienced from the EDL or the BNP, again, long before any containment lines went in.
It is not my intention to comment on the politics of the whole fees issue, however, front line police officers deserve a voice in the context of all the nonsense reported about police brutality.
If you watch nothing else watch this:
The irony of this whole situation is that the so called Kettle was designed to compensate for the fact that we (uniquely in Europe) are not equipped properly for public disorder. We have no water cannon, no baton rounds and no CS gas grenades. We don’t have these things because it disturbs the liberal conscience. So instead, we either let protesters run riot (Millbank) or contain them (Westminster). If we had the equipment, protesters wouldn’t get near the police lines and less people would be hit with batons.

Re: Interesting ...watercannon opinions ?

#20 Post by Robin128 »

I have to say I have lost a lot of sympathy with students' cause given the level of violence, and attack on the Monarchy.

I have said so in other threads and had a debate with Sim G about it.

Cam has come back a bit on this issue, but enough is enough.

Yes use water canon...this is Cam giving fare warning.

People have strong opinions...I am still worried that clever poor kids may not get a chance.... EGBDF. But I did, but from my employers only, not the state.

When I was wanting to go into medicine I could have had a mandatory grant. I didn't even know about them. Failed by corupt left wing commies and failed by the 11+.

And then look what top 5% of bright sparks in this God forsaken country.

So... no to rioting.

Wait till NHS gets cut with us baby- boomers coming thru to old age and ill health.

AS for local government...fat cats need throwing out. And the whole way of thinking needs to change. They don't care about efficiency.

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