223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

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Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#11 Post by Sixshot6 »

bowji John wrote:Thanks for that

I'll keep my pennies for a little while longer...
The development I mentioned might even have interest from not only UK dealers but some established companies as making state compliant AR's for Ban states like NY, CA and CT has become a big business. NY and CA is easy, just go Bullet button or that funky FRS 15 stock https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=FRS+1 ... 1000%3B325.

But CT is a bit harder as due to the wording of the law, featureless AR's are out (rifles that take AR mags like the SCR are good though) and the BB is banned due to the wording on detachable mags. So a bit of inspiration has traveled from the UK to the US and they're coming up with ways of doing it and might benefit us also. Its a screwed up situation but might as well make the best of it.

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#12 Post by Sixshot6 »

James K wrote:From what I've heard there are those that are full of promises and not a lot else, I don't expect much else fro the UK other than the SGC and Mars.
You never know, the 9mm lever release got the called the unicorn until it appeared and my CT contact would have probably done some unveiling earlier. But was worried it might have some repercussions while the CT legislator's are still in session until the first week of June. When Stag arms unveiled their 22lr AR they ended up with feature restrictions on both rimfire semis and semi auto shotguns in CT so its probably for the best he's kept a bit quiet.

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#13 Post by breacher »

bowji John wrote:What other system are on the way??

Is anyone applying the MARS system to AR15s?
He could tell you but then he would have to shoot you.

All very top drawer "need to know" stuff. troutslapping

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#14 Post by Sixshot6 »

breacher wrote:
bowji John wrote:What other system are on the way??

Is anyone applying the MARS system to AR15s?
He could tell you but then he would have to shoot you.

All very top drawer "need to know" stuff. troutslapping
I'll tell what anyone wants to know but some questions i can answer and some i cant. If i can answer i will. Ask away.
James K

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#15 Post by James K »

Are you sworn to secrecy? Do you have a commercial interest in these rifles?

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#16 Post by Sixshot6 »

James K wrote:Are you sworn to secrecy? Do you have a commercial interest in these rifles?
Not sworn to secrecy, but some things I think I owe the guy to keep secret for a bit, I have no commercial interest in the rifles, I will not make a many and my only gain will be to hopefully be able to purchase one the same as everybody else interested. I reveal some bits but like I said you have to know when to use Tact and not reveal too much that could be seen as taking advantage. But I will reveal some things now.

1) He's been working on it for a couple of years, since the kneejerk fallout in CT from Sandyhook
2) The unveiling could not happen yet due to the situation with politics in CT, the legislator session ends next week and thus no laws will be written or debated for a while, thus allowing his product to no be immediately legislated against (see what happened with Stag arms in CT when they introducted a 22lr AR, a google search will show you some crazy stuff).
3)The proof of concept will likely be unveiled at the end of June of Early-Mid July. He is catching up on his bread and butter gunsmithing that all came at once last weekend (Memorial day the US bank holiday, so everyone came wanting it done yesterday) and as such he can't exactly turn down the main thing that earns him money.
4)The proof of concept will be AR based, though other systems may follow. But with the current design both AR10's and AR15's are possible.
5)I have had words with some UK companies as he has looked at UK law and after a week reading feels it would be UK legal and have taken the idea to some RFD's including one with links to a US company that might view it as a way to make another AR type for US ban states but be able to convince them to do the extra stuff to make it UK legal.
6) Whatever the mechanism is, it does not appear to be either a Lever release or MARS type action. Of the hints he's dropped me, the latest involved me being told that mechanism in an AR platform he has designed, is in both the Upper and the Lower as opposed to just being in the Lower ala the 223 lever release (which explains the bit of metal in the lower and upper to stop the uppers being able to be used on straight pull lowers).
7) That is all and know and the likely hood of me being allowed a commercial interest is non-existent. I'm just happy to possibly have helped something new to come to the UK. I have no agenda other than the agenda of helping other uk gunowners which isn't much of an agenda to be fair.

Anything else I learn or remember I'll post, but for now that is all I know.
James K

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#17 Post by James K »

Who is the UK company taking this forward?

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#18 Post by Sixshot6 »

James K wrote:Who is the UK company taking this forward?
The UK company that as you say would "take it forward" have not even started talking with the guy yet. I've tried to get him talking earlier to a uk company, but he only wants to talk when he's ready, which is after the week coming and when he unveils his proof of concept. Stupid I know, but I stopped pushing the issue when I realized he worry about Ct politicians finding out and bringing in legislation to derail his plans (and they were/are very real worries) stopped that. Plus the UK company won't commit until they actually see at least a video of the proof of concept. They're not even committed to it yet. If I told who'd suggested it to would likely say they were not committed until they had an idea of how it worked and what could be done and they and other RFD's are watching on here so I'm wary of disclosing that. Just know its not even got to the talking point. I wish it had. I'll try and ask the guy after the first week of June has gone if he wants to start talking now or if still insists on waiting until he's publicly shown his proof of concept.

For the record I'm slightly frustrated by it, but I learnt not to push it for now. All I can say James is the company that might bring it forward and I see them as a good source for this, if you were at the Phoenix. You saw them there. I know some if not, all of it sounded vague and I only make the promise that I'm trying to get as much info as I can, get the guy talking and he did agree in principle to deal with this UK dealer due to their knowledge and connections to a well known US company that could produce them in volumes that would be of a benefit. For that reason and if it gets that far, I feel I should avoid naming names right now on the uk side. I've had no being sworn to secrecy there but feel its a good idea to keep my mouth shut for a bit there.
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Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#19 Post by mag41uk »

This all sounds like pie on the sky. I cant see any US manufacturer seeing the UK as a viable market for such a specialised platform.
There is only a very small finite market available.
This will take years if at all.
That said I am definitely intrigued!

Re: 223 lever release vs VZ58 MARS comparison

#20 Post by Sixshot6 »

mag41uk wrote:This all sounds like pie on the sky. I cant see any US manufacturer seeing the UK as a viable market for such a specialised platform.
There is only a very small finite market available.
This will take years if at all.
That said I am definitely intrigued!
There is that to it, however there is also the added bonus in that the CT gunsmith I mention did not start making it with the UK in mind, he made with his own state laws in mind. He told me that the 308 version he intends to sell he started with CT in mind as a preban (pre sept 13th 1994) AR10 ala an SR25 KAC that escaped the post Sandy hook ban goes for $3000-$4000 so he intends his system in the AR10's to be a competitor to that and sell for less ($2000) and that was based on CT markets, imagine if a sizeable following of people in NY and CA wanted some. For New York and Calfornia, remember they have as well as featureless and fixed mag guns, a pump action AR15 in the form of the Troy PAR. That shows a market for a manual op system exists in those areas and one closer to a semi but still having all the features (pistol grip, adjustable stock, flash hider,etc) would be a more attractive alternative? Don't get me wrong they'll still likely plump for their semis but I have talked to few New yorkers and they have said a choice wouldn't go amiss. I have no real idea how long it would take, but. He's got a proof of concept, working on some kinks (he intended his time leading up to the second week of June to iron them out, but like I said his everyday gunsmithing got in the way (we all need to pay the bills sadly :cry: )).

I have no real idea if it will lead to us, but its worth a shot. Its worth him talking to a UK RFD and its worth said UK RFD taking him to a company, especially one that has specialized in compliant AR's (different US states, different countries, they exist) and seeing what they'd do. If we don't try, we won't know.
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