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Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:21 pm
by John MH
How did the Steels discussion go?

Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:52 pm
by IainWR
I think I understand the steels question. Answer will have to wait until the minutes of shooting committee (4 hr meeting yesterday) are done, the last version of the Bible is readied to go to the Trustees, the NRA FAC / RFD / Sect 5 Authorities x4 / explosives licenses x 2 / non-attendance return / 2 FAC apps and over 100 Visitor's Permit apps have gone to the police, the member who is about to have his guns confiscated on Monday has been assisted best we can and my dishwasher has been either fixed or scrapped.

I have seen a landmarc licence, and I have now seen the charges letter. I am coming to this absolutely cold, and do not know whether anything can be done. Another licence or two would be usefol to compare and see if local offices are making stuff up.


Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:37 pm
by Cj10
IainWR wrote:I think I understand the steels question. Answer will have to wait until the minutes of shooting committee (4 hr meeting yesterday) are done, the last version of the Bible is readied to go to the Trustees, the NRA FAC / RFD / Sect 5 Authorities x4 / explosives licenses x 2 / non-attendance return / 2 FAC apps and over 100 Visitor's Permit apps have gone to the police, the member who is about to have his guns confiscated on Monday has been assisted best we can and my dishwasher has been either fixed or scrapped.

I have seen a landmarc licence, and I have now seen the charges letter. I am coming to this absolutely cold, and do not know whether anything can be done. Another licence or two would be usefol to compare and see if local offices are making stuff up.



Many thanks for looking at the licence issue. I do appreciate how busy you are, although I didn't realise just how busy until I read your post.

Based on what people stated the age limits imposed by Lamdmarc were in the original thread, there appears to be no national consistency what so ever. Surely, as with the safe shooting system, ie HME Zero, there should be more than a degree of standardisation over age limits across the regions. Does the NRA not have some form of national negotiating forum with the MOD/ Landmarc through which to pursue such inconsistencies?


Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:07 pm
by Cj10
Cj10 wrote:

Many thanks for looking at the licence issue. I do appreciate how busy you are, although I didn't realise just how busy until I read your post.

Based on what people stated the age limits imposed by Lamdmarc were in the original thread, there appears to be no national consistency what so ever. Surely, as with the safe shooting system, ie HME Zero, there should be more than a degree of standardisation over age limits across the regions. Does the NRA not have some form of national negotiating forum with the MOD/ Landmarc through which to pursue such inconsistencies?


Just wondered if there is any update on this?

Landmarc has informed me the Army Warrant Officer responsible for the MOD gallery ranges we use may be prepared to recommend a lower age limit of 16, rather than 18, but nothing below that. No reasons or rationale given. Landmarc did intimate it is aware of age limit "inconsistencies" across the regions, but would not discuss further.

I really believe some form of pressure from the NRA may bring dividend here.

Many thanks


Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:51 pm
by Cj10
Must really thank the NRA for all the tremendous support it gave the club over this issue. (Hope my sarcasm shows through)

Well worth the £2500 plus our club membership costs us. Had a number of committee members, including myself, really wishing it wasn't a condition of our range licence that we had to, as a club, be affiliated to the NRA.

Well, at least a number of people won't be renewing their individual NRA membership in future.


Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:59 pm
by karen
Unfortunately it appears that Iain can't give you an update at the moment as certain stuff is ongoing and confidential (and so I don't even know what it is).

He has also been working 11 hour days with no lunch and has had flu for about three weeks so if he is behind he apologises.

I am sure he will get back to you when he has an answer


karen (who is fed up that her husband is working such long hours and getting criticism for not being able to answer everything)

Re: Can one of the NRA employees give an answer?

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:19 am
by dromia
Karen its not Iains fault that things aren't being done. Its the organisations fault for getting itself into such a mess that it cannot afford enough staff to do the necessary work, and to me it seems poor management that someone is having to work the way Iain is. As employers, the NRA has a duty of care to its staff and by the sounds of it it is not fulfilling that duty in regards to your husband.