Greetings from Jersey

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#21 Post by Jersey »

bradaz11 wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:17 pm for my 9mm pistols I am using los 9mm 124gr and 115gr fp bullets. but I have also used berry's. I was buying them from blackrifle but I think they have stopped suppling them now. I have also used H&N bullets and liked them, so would reccomend. but all those are plated, so I don't know about FMJ's

I think flecktarn are selling some at an ok price now. from a company called armaforce.
Thanks for the 'heads'up! I've got a positive response from Flecktarn and they'll take the VAT off too.
I've made an enquiry with Firing Solutions too - awaiting reply but they may be collection only.

I'd prefer the RN as I've a few pistols and carbines that I'd like to batch load one type and I've found the FP & JHP can be misfeed when switching between.
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Re: Greetings from Jersey

#22 Post by dromia »

OK this is the new members forum not the handgun, handloading or gunshops forums!

The membership on here gurned long and hard for all these forums so use them.

There is no such thing as heads! Bullets, projectiles yes but not heads.

Correct nomenclature is important especially in relation to new and tyro handloaders, this damned internet is confusing enough with all the shite posted on it without us here adding to its cavalier content.

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